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Rachel Crane

Freedom & the Pursuit of Happiness

Updated: Oct 7, 2024

Dear Friend,

Every year on July 4th, we celebrate Independence Day in the United States. It was on July 4, 1776 that the Second Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independance. The American colonies no longer wanted to be ruled by England. They wanted to be their own, independent nation. Google the details. Who can blame them?!

As we all know, England was not cool with this. The American Revolution lasted from 1775-1783. It took 8 years of fighting to defeat the British and win the war.

The Declaration of Independence is housed in the National Archives in Washington, D.C. and serves as an important message of self-governance and human rights.

Okay, history lesson over. Here's why it's important…

As I think about our country's independence and the upcoming holiday, I'm reflecting on my journey. Not everyone knows about the adventure I've been on over the last couple of years as I've navigated my career change.

I worked in the fields of education and behavioral health for 18 years. I was a high school literacy teacher for 13 years and a professional development trainer/coach for 5 years. I also had a side business providing behavior therapy to children with autism and training to family members. This work experience took place in Florida. We moved to Ohio in January 2021, and I learned that none, and I mean NONE, of my licenses and experience counted towards a teaching license in Ohio. According to Ohio's rules, I was no better than an 18-year-old kid fresh out of high school.

I wasn't sad. I was shocked. Shocked that, during a teacher shortage, the state of Ohio turned away a highly-qualified educator with so much to offer. It was a slap in the face. Jumping through the hoops to get a license was of no interest to me. My plan was to leave education when my children were a bit older, but the universe was speaking to me loud and clear: “This is your opportunity to break free and do what you were created for.”

It's been almost 4 years since I resigned from teaching in Florida. This transition hasn't been easy, but it's been awesome in so many ways. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I feel such a sense of freedom and relief since leaving public education behind.

Changing careers is no small feat, though. There are times when the security and predictability of teaching, the pension, and the summers off are calling my name. Some days feel like a battle. Sometimes the struggle is related to proving my competence outside of education. Often, the war is with myself (i.e., discouragement and mindset).

There are also VICTORIES:

- Realizing that I'd gotten the hang of networking and actually enjoyed it.

- Starting my freelancing business.

- Landing my first coaching client.

- Being offered free mentoring from an industry expert (who has since provided so much support and training!).

- Landing my first performance improvement/instructional design client.

- Being offered a long-term instructional design project.

- Meeting so many amazing people who have been cheering me on.

Truly, there have been so many small wins and signs that I'm on the right path. A path of MY choosing. For me, that's freedom - being able to know (and continue learning about) myself, making intentional choices that align with my goals and values, and designing a life that has a positive impact on others. Pursuing MY happiness.

How about you? What's your story? Is there something you're trying to break free from? Have you already won the “war” and living a life that you love? I want to hear about it! Send me an email or message me on social media.

Take care!


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